How can I help you?
I see a wide variety of patients, and their reasons for coming to see me are just as varied. If you are unsure, do please call or send me an email and I am happy to chat through what a consultation will involve. But in my experience if you answer “Yes” to one or more of these questions, I may be able to help:
Do you sense a connection between your physical health and your emotions?
Are you reluctant to increase your intake of conventional medicines?
Do you feel the need to try something more – or something else?
Do you think your health issues need to be ‘talked out’ in more detail than is possible in a GP consultation?
Do you feel run down, are you missing your normal get up and go?
The last question probably goes to the heart of my passion for homeopathy, and my belief that it can help you as it has helped me. We are complicated, and conventional medicine gets better and better at treating us – at organic, cellular, even molecular level. But we are all more than the sum of our parts, so what about the whole? What are the consequences of our hectic modern lives for our overall vitality?